37 Reasons I Love My Wife
Hi honey, In honor of your 37th birthday, here are 37 reasons I love you: 37. The dimple on your chin 36. You gave me your white truck 35. You chose me over your demonic cat, Tucker 34. You do 99.9% of my laundry 33. You were born in the same hospital as me, in Washington, PA 32. You go to watch the Steelers games at Minsky's with me 31. You let me go to watch the Steelers games by myself when you don't feel like going 30. Your name is Sharon, which I think is awesome 29. You enjoy eating at 54th Street with me 28. You indulge me when I have injuries/sickness 27. You cook most of the food that I eat 26. You like to go to the movies with me 25. You let Dominic and I play video games 24. You can set-up Ben's train sets 23. You take all of the pictures for our family (and, put together excellent scrapbooks!) 22. You like books 21. You tell me I'm good at grilling, even though I know I'm not 20. You thought it would be cool to have pierogies at our wed...