Moral Relativity
I believe in God, and therefore, in an absolute truth. However, I think the truth is more abstract than people who would accuse me of moral relativism might claim. I don't presume to completely understand God, though I do claim to have a loving relationship with Him. I do believe that God has revealed a "moral map" to the world through Jesus. Unfortunately, I think a lot of people, even many who claim to be Christians, have not accepted the directions of this map, the primary of which is love.
Love can be manifested in infinite ways. What I may think is an act of love, another may think is a sin. Hence, we have "moral relativism." Both parties may claim to be acting in accordance with God. An extreme moral relativist might claim that there is no absolute truth. However, someone that believes in an absolute truth, such as myself, can also have questions about what is right and wrong. I think even some people that lambast the concept of moral relativism practice it. For example, I've heard conservative Christians fundamentally preach the adherence to the commandment "thouh shalt not kill." Yet, through interpretations of the commandment and concepts such as "just war theory", killing an "enemy" in a "war" is condoned under certain circumstances. The fact that the act of killing can be a sin in one circumstance and in accordance with God's law in another circumstance is an example of moral relativism. The very concept of moral relativism is that the righteousness of actions depend upon circumstances. I admit, I adhere to this definition of moral relativism, and I am proud to do so. I think it leads me to a less judgmental and more loving understanding of those around me, which I believe to be the ultimate law of God.
Love can be manifested in infinite ways. What I may think is an act of love, another may think is a sin. Hence, we have "moral relativism." Both parties may claim to be acting in accordance with God. An extreme moral relativist might claim that there is no absolute truth. However, someone that believes in an absolute truth, such as myself, can also have questions about what is right and wrong. I think even some people that lambast the concept of moral relativism practice it. For example, I've heard conservative Christians fundamentally preach the adherence to the commandment "thouh shalt not kill." Yet, through interpretations of the commandment and concepts such as "just war theory", killing an "enemy" in a "war" is condoned under certain circumstances. The fact that the act of killing can be a sin in one circumstance and in accordance with God's law in another circumstance is an example of moral relativism. The very concept of moral relativism is that the righteousness of actions depend upon circumstances. I admit, I adhere to this definition of moral relativism, and I am proud to do so. I think it leads me to a less judgmental and more loving understanding of those around me, which I believe to be the ultimate law of God.
it all amounts to a mutual responsibility ethic that can be boiled down to love, but it can be parsed, too ;-)